“You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with your whole heart.”
St. Patrick’s church welcomes everyone to the worship services on Sunday, Wednesday and other Holy days, and to the many educational and service events sponsored by the parish, (see Worship and Education).
The Sunday worship at 10:00 a.m. is always a celebration of the Holy Eucharist, including scripture readings, music, sermon, prayers, and Holy Communion. All who attend are welcome to receive the blessed bread and wine or to receive a simple personal blessing.
The Sunday service is also followed by a coffee hour in the parish hall, provided by families or individuals who sign up to sponsor the coffee and goodies. On occasion there will be short educational programs in the parish hall following or accompanying Coffee Hour.
The Wednesday Communion service is quiet and includes anointing for healing, and is usually followed by Bible study.
Sometimes special Holy Days are celebrated at the Wednesday service. These worship services are in the church proper, in person, and the Sunday service is also available on Zoom.
Newcomers are welcomed at the beginning of worship and invited to stay for coffee to get acquainted. If you attend in person for the first time, or are returning after some absence, please sign the guest register in the church entrance.
Welcome to St. Patrick’s!
Visit Us
We welcome you into our midst, whether you are visiting for the first time, tenth time, or thinking of joining our parish family.
Because we are a slightly older congregations some people wonder if we welcome families with children, we love children and invite families with children to join in the life of the parish.
We are a safe and welcoming place to worship God, to feel close to God, to learn more about God the Creator, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and how they are relevant to your life.
If you want to deepen your spirituality, grow in grace, have fellowship with others on the path – in good times and bad, then join us this Sunday for worship and friendship.
You Are Welcome Here!

Church Office
(707) 833-4228
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 247, Kenwood, CA 95452

9000 Sonoma Hwy.
Kenwood, CA 95452
We find life, joy and meaning in our relationships with Christ and one another.
Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Whether you’re just having a look, or are searching for a place to worship, we’re delighted to have you here.