St. Patrick’s, like most churches, depends on financial support from its members. That support comes directly from pledges and other financial gifts given to the church each year.
Pledges are “promises” of support for the coming year, usually made at the end of one year for the next year. Pledging makes it possible for the vestry to build a yearly budget, depending on how much is pledged. The more money pledged, the more extensive and effective are the church’s ministries.
The other way the church is supported is from bequests, gifts given from estates or trust, or as a simple gift itemized in one’s will. These gifts may be designated for certain purpose, for the general operating fund or for an endowment which continues to give over the years. The vestry has a general policy about what kinds of gifts to accept. For instance, they vestry might say “no, thank you” to a gift offered for a piece of furniture or a church bell which is not needed or is inappropriate.
St. Patrick’s members have been very generous over the years. Many thousands of dollars have been given as bequest of various kinds which are being used to the advantage of the parish, according to the careful management of funds by the vestry.
Sometimes certain grants are given to St. Patrick’s for special purpose from the Diocese or from some national Episcopal source, such as Episcopal Relief and Development. These are also used for the benefit of the parish. Please see additional information about “Legacy Giving” or “Planned Giving” below.
Planned Giving
Use the links below to learn more about Planned Giving:
Planned Giving Brochures: present the basics of planned giving, explaining the how and why, as well as the different kinds of gifts that are possible
- Planned Giving: Stewards of God’s Bounty
- Charitable Gift Annuity: Guarantee an Income for Life
- Charitable Remainder Trust: Help Loved Ones and the Church
- Pooled Income Fund: Give and You Shall Receive
- Writing Your Will: Where There’s a Will There’s a Way
Planned Giving Booklets: explain in depth how planned gifts work, and provide instructions and application forms
- Planned Giving: Stewards of God’s Bounty
- Planning for the End of Life: Faithful Stewards of Your Good Gifts
- Charitable Gift Annuity: Guarantee an Income for Life
- Charitable Remainder Trust: Help Your Loved Ones and the Church
- Pooled Income Fund: Give and You Shall Receive
The Continuing Story
When we think about what matters in our lives no doubt family and friends come to mind. Perhaps our work, our careers brought great pride and satisfaction, perhaps travel and our hobbies.
When we reflect on our lives and think about what mattered, and what brought us joy, does our faith come to mind? How much does our faith matter, and how does our faith inform and guide our lives?
Those of us who attend St. Patrick’s have found and expressed our faith and found meaning, and community, and grace here, at St. Patrick’s in the Valley of the Moon. For over 40 years our church has been the Beacon of Light for its members.
We are part of the community of faith, some of us for many years, and some for just a few. Some stay because of the priest, some for the ministries, some the location, or for a combination of those reasons, or for all together other reasons.
Something about St. Patrick’s moved us. Something that you can name, or perhaps only feel. The call to St. Patrick’s is deeply personal and has had meaning in our lives.
Yet it is not guaranteed that St. Patrick’s will be here to meet the needs of future generations of seekers.
It is up to us, here, now, to help to continue the story of our church! The legacy of St. Patrick’s is more than what it is in one moment of time; more than any one priest, more than any one generation of parishioners.
We are called to help preserve the work of the church by assuring St. Patrick’s and its ministries are here for future generations so they can experience God’s love as we do, in our special church.
A way to care for what we value is to leave a gift in your will, trust, or estate plan. If you value the gifts you have received from St. Patrick’s, and want to see it continue to serve as a Beacon of Love, Light, and Compassion for others coming after, consider making a Legacy Gift.
The Planned Giving Ministry members include Stephanie Chapralis McCaffrey, Chair, Laurie Boone-Hogen, and Ann and Alec Peters.
Get In Touch
Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 247, Kenwood, CA 95452
Our physical address is:
9000 Sonoma Highway
Kenwood, CA 95452
For More Information:
The Rev. Carol Luther, Long Term Supply
Email: Carol.luther@gmail.com
Phone: 707-395-5572
Thank you for your contribution to St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church. Because of your generosity, seeds are planted that will enable St. Patrick’s to grow in our service to our community, as well as provide a church home for you and others. Thank you for your contribution to God’s work here at St. Patrick’s Kenwood!